Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What to do? The Little Treasure wants a dramatic modern look.

One of my little treasures wants a dramatic, modern look for her room. I specialize in cast-offs and freebies so I'm a little at a loss. Anyway, after one horrific trip to a certain Sweedish furniture store, we have a plan. The walls are already blue. The furniture and accessories are white and black. Little Treasure and I have the modern goodies from the Sweedish store and all I need to do is refinish a dresser for her. She wants THIS look for her dresser.....

and I have THIS (already in our posession)

or THIS, to work with. The latter one was given to us by a neighbor and is older, but is of better quality. Which one to sacrifice? Hmmm, I think I will experiement on the one we already have just in case I run into problems.